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Prevent and Prepare for Water Damage | SERVPRO of Lake Geneva

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

 A house in a suburb flooded When water damage strikes, SERVPRO of Lake Geneva is Here to Help® restore your property faster.

Having immediate access to water makes our lives so much more convenient. Just think about how many times a day you wash your hands or run the dishwasher—not to mention the never-ending pile of laundry that gets tossed in the washing machine. 

While water on demand is something we can’t easily live without, it also makes your home vulnerable to leaks, floods and water damage. Sometimes one of your appliances can have a leak so small you don’t catch it until major damage has been done. 

There are plenty of things you can do in order to avoid major issues from water. With some simple maintenance, you can stay ahead of even the smallest leak, avoiding costly repairs. 

Check for Leaks

One of the best ways to prepare and prevent damage in your home is to regularly check for leaks. Your kitchen and bathrooms are some of the top areas that leaks start. A small leak can lose up to 700 gallons a day when left unchecked. That can lead to damage under your floor, behind your walls and in your cabinets. 

Look under your sinks once a week. With the number of water lines that under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, you need to check frequently to ensure you catch problems fast. 

Feel along your pipes to check for excess moisture, and make sure connections are all tight. Replace anything that has aged, and keep things clean. Drain clogs often start simply due to debris falling into the sink. 

Feel around your tub and toilet every time you clean. A toilet can leak nearly 3,000 gallons a day, so finding leaks quickly will go a long way in saving you money. Make sure the caulk is in good shape and seals are tight. Take a look at how well your shower curtain or shower door fits as well—even splashes from everyday use can cause a lot of damage overtime. 

Watch Your Appliances

While leaks under the sink or from your bathroom fixtures are a common source of slow water loss and long-term damage, appliance failures can result in a flooded room. Not only can a total failure completely flood your floor, appliances can spring a leak underneath them and create a pretty big mess. 

Pull your large appliances, including your dishwasher, washing machine and refrigerator, away from any walls they are near every couple of months. Clean underneath them and behind them. Check for mold, soft spots in the floor or a musty odor. 

These are indicators there is a leak and that it is time to investigate the water lines. Even if you don’t notice any immediate problems, look for signs of aging and replace equipment as needed to prevent them in the future. 

Keep your home safe from water damage by adding a few simple steps to your regular routines. You can keep enjoying the convenience of water on demand worry free. 

If you have water damage in your home, call us. We can get things dried out fast!

What Is Your Plan? | SERVPRO® of Lake Geneva

1/9/2024 (Permalink)

a home with fire damage to the roof a home with fire damage to the roof

House fires can be a devastating event. Even a small fire can leave a portion of your home scorched and unusable, and it can be terribly scary to live through. Many house fires are preventable, but even when they are not, when you have a plan, you can avoid a total disaster. 

Your house is your sanctuary, and you deserve to always feel at ease when you are home. You and your family need to know that no matter what happens you will all be OK. So, what is your plan? 

Map It Out

The best way to be prepared is to sit down with your family and talk about emergency situations. This isn’t only a good practice to do for fires, but for any time something scary or otherwise out of the ordinary arises. Preparing even the youngest of your children can help them react appropriately and even save a life. 

When it comes to planning for a fire emergency, start by sketching out a map of your home. Make sure you include a map for each level of your home, as well as all the sleeping spaces. Have your kids compete with one another to see who can safely exit each area of your home the fastest. Once you have established the best route out from across your house, write it down. A plan is easier to remember and practice when it is on paper. 

Along with mapping out your exit routes, be sure to include a safe meeting location outside of your home. It should be somewhere that everyone can get to, even when it is dark. Use this location in regular play time with your kids—base for tag, a pretend clubhouse, something to make them completely comfortable with that space. 

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you have mapped out exit routes and written your emergency plan down together as family, plan a practice run. This is something you should do monthly, and at least once a year, you should practice exiting your home at night. Fires don’t keep a schedule, so it is best to practice as many different scenarios as possible. 

Combine checking your smoke detectors with your exit plan practice runs. That way everyone in your home can hear the alarm and will know what it means—plus, you know that your smoke detectors are in good working order. You should have working smoke detectors on every level of your home and outside of every sleeping space. 

Talk to your nearest emergency contact when you are going to have a fire drill, and let them know you or one of your family members is going to call them to let them know everyone is OK. This is an ideal way to make sure your children can reach out to a neighbor or other trusted adult if something happens and you are unable to be with them. Spend time teaching your children how to call 911 if they are old enough, and make sure they can give basic information about where you live. 

When it comes to keeping your family safe, you need to know that you have done everything you can. Remember to keep things light in order to 

not introduce too much fear, but ensure that everyone calmly understands what to do. With a well-rehearsed plan, you can rest easy. 

Have you experienced a fire disaster in your home? Call us for fast restoration.  

No Power No Problem

11/22/2023 (Permalink)

Power outages can cause an extensive list of issues that can carry a heavy price tag. When strong winds or heavy rains damage an nearby transformer, it could mean lights out and power off. Its important to take into consideration how many items in your home will no longer function without a power source. 

1) No air conditioning: Without a power source, your air conditioning will no longer function, in the summer months this raises the risk of heat related illness.

2) No heating either: Furnace blowers and electric heating units will no longer work during a power outage. In the winter months this could carry the possibility of your pipes freezing. Have your faucet set to a slow drip to avoid the danger.

3) Water: If your home runs on a well, you can find yourself without access to a water source. Keeping a supply of fresh water bottles available is one way to provide your family with water until electricity s restored.

Fridge/Freezer Woes: Perishable food in your refrigerator or freezer should remain cool enough for the following 24 hours after power loss. After that point it is important to inspect any food items and discard all that has spoiled.

Having emergency ready kits located in your home is a huge benefit in times like these. Be sure to add medical and medicinal items to have on hand as well.

Signs That You Need Your Hot Water Heater Repaired or Replaced

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

Clean and Well maintained water Heater Clean Well Maintained Water Heater.

Water heaters are essential appliances for everyone's homes. We use water heaters to function throughout our everyday lives such as taking a bath, washing dishes and cleaning laundry. They can certainly be taken for granted and forgotten, leading them to not be regularly maintained. Failing to maintain them can result in malfunctions and larger problems requiring the replacement of your water heater sooner rather then later. Taking notice of the first signs of a problem can help you repair your water heater before it becomes unusable. 

You don’t have to be an expert to spot the first signs of trouble. All you need to do is be observant so that your water heater can be repaired before it’s to late. 

  1. Hot water has an off smell or off-color

The first instance that you notice your hot water has an off smell or has a rusty color, that’s something that you need to have checked out. The smell could be the result of a rusty anode rod in the water heater. There is no need to worry since the anode rod can typically be replaced which will then eliminate the bad odor. Bacteria growth can also cause unpleasant smells. This happens when the hot water has not been used or has been turned off for quite some time or when the thermostat is set at a very low level. 

  1. Corroded pipes can also cause an off-color in your water

This can be solved by installing a water softener or by replacing the plumbing. If you also see a lot of sediments in the water, it’s typically time to have the water heater repaired. 

  1. Water is not hot enough, too hot, not strong enough or you have no water at all

When there is no water, check first that your water heater has power and is working fine. If it is, have it inspected by a licensed plumber. If there is not enough water, this could be due to an undersized water heater and can be much more common when more people are using the water heater. This could also be caused by the presence of mineral deposits inside the water heater tank. When water is too hot or not hot enough, you may have to adjust the temperature dial of the water heater. If there is no change in temperature, have the water heater checked and repaired. 

  1. Strange noises and leaks

Leaks coming from your water heater could lead to flooding of your home. In the same way, strange noises like pops, bangs, gurgles, and the like are clear indicators that something is wrong with your water heater. This is usually caused by a buildup of sediments inside the tank. A boiling sound, however, could mean the water heater is overheating or that pressure is building up inside the tank. All these have to be addressed immediately to prevent further problems. If it does cause flooding or water damage it is important to get a reputable mitigation company such as SERVPRO out quickly to avoid mold and further damage to the property. 

It’s also important to have your water heater repaired as soon as you see these signs. This will help you save on costs, prevent further damage, and avoid ultimately having to replace your unit. 


9/29/2023 (Permalink)

When there’s sewage water at your property, your first instinct might be to get a start on the issue as quickly as possible. After all, no one wants sewage in their home, and the harmful effects of backed-up sewage can be extremely dangerous. 

If you ever notice sewage anywhere in your property, you should contact SERVPRO of Lake Geneva for immediate cleanup and removal. Taking on the removal process can be dangerous to your health, home, and become a financial burden costing you more long term. 


SERVPRO of Lake Geneva has professional staff to help with sewage cleanup services 24/7.  SERVPRO® will also help save your home from becoming severely damaged from the back-up. Your walls, furniture, and flooring are only a few components that may start deteriorating almost immediately during sewage flooding. To promptly and sufficiently remove the water and sewage from your home and prevent permanent damage, you’re going to need special tools and equipment. 

SERVPRO of Lake Geneva has professional restoration experts that have access to the tools and equipment necessary for immediate sewage removal. By leaving the cleanup to the pros, you’ll be better able to save your home and furniture from severe damage. We can also help save yourself from spending hundreds of dollars replacing lost furniture and damaged materials. 


If you’re in need of a restoration team 24/7 365 you can count on SERVPRO of Lake Geneva for your sewage removal, contact SERVPRO today! We work quickly and efficiently so you can get your home back to a comfortable and safe condition. You can reach us by calling 262-248-7588 

Water Issues? Call SERVPRO of Lake Geneva

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

Water On basement Floor Whether it's standing water or water damage it's never fun and SERVPRO of Lake Geneva is here to help.

SERVPRO of Lake Geneva is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage. 

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help 
Call Today – (262) 248-7588 

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You should call an expert to guide you through this misfortune. SERVPRO of Lake Geneva has proper water damage training and the right experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in many cleanups with water damage restoration being the cornerstone of our business. 

What to Expect 

When you call in, please be prepared to answer several crucial questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals we may need on-site. 

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions: 

  • Your name and contact information 
  • Your insurance information (if applicable) 
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business 
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur? 
  • What caused the water damage (if known)? Was it clean water? And was the issue resolved? 
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)? 
  • Do you have a claim number from insurance (if applicable)  
  • About how big of an area was affected 
  • What type of walls and flooring were affected.  

About SERVPRO of Lake Geneva 

SERVPRO of Lake Geneva specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. 

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Signs That You Need A Hot Water Heater Repair

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

Water heaters are essential elements of our home. We use them in daily activities such as taking a bath, using the dishwasher and using the washing machine. But because we use them frequently, it’s sometimes easy to take them for granted and forget that they need to be maintained. Failing to do so will result in malfunctions and problems and eventually, replacing your water heater. Taking notice of the first signs of a problem can help you repair your water heater before it becomes worse.

You don’t have to be an expert to spot the first signs of trouble. All you need to have is a keen sense of observation so that your water heater can be repaired.

1. Hot water has an off smell or off-color

The first instance that you notice your hot water has an off smell or has a rusty color, that’s something that you need to check out. The smell could be the result of a rusty anode rod in the water heater. There is no need to worry since the anode rod can be replaced which will then eliminate the bad odor. Bacteria growth also causes bad smells. This happens when the hot water has not been used or has been turned off for quite some time or when the thermostat is set at a very low level.

2. Corroded pipes can also cause an off-color in your water

This can be solved by installing a water softener or by replacing the plumbing. If you also see a lot of sediments in the water, it’s time to have the water heater repaired.

3. Water is not hot enough, too hot, not strong enough or there is none at all

When there is no water, check first that your water heater has power and is working fine. If it is, have it inspected by a plumber. If water is not enough, this could be due to an undersized water heater and is a common situation when a lot more people are using the water heater. This could also be caused by the presence of mineral deposits inside the water heater tank. When water is too hot or not hot enough, you may have to adjust the temperature dial of the water heater. If there is no change in temperature, have the water heater checked and repaired.

4. Strange noises and leaks

Leaks coming from your watre heater could lead to flooding. In the same way, strange noises like pops, bangs, gurgles, and the like are clear indicators that something is wrong with your water heater. This is usually caused by a buildup of sediments inside the tank. A boiling sound, however, could mean the water heater is overheating or that pressure is building up inside the tank. All these have to be addressed immediately to prevent further problems.

It’s important to have your water heater repaired as soon as you see these signs. This will help you save on costs, prevent further damage, and avoid an untimely replacement of your unit.

Fire and Water Damage In Your Building

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

A structural fire can cause serious damage, but unfortunately, the flames aren’t the only damaging element to wreak havoc on your building and its contents. In order to put out a raging inferno, firefighters have to use massive amounts of water and other chemicals, which means that whatever the fire didn’t ruin, the water surely did. In addition to having to deal with fire and smoke cleanup, you will also be forced to deal with water cleanup. So, where do you start? FEMA recommends doing the following immediately after a fire:

  • Contact your insurance agency
  • Turn off the utilities
  • Create as much ventilation as possible
  • Contact a cleanup crew

Reach Out to Your Insurance Provider

First things first: you need to report the fire to whichever agency will be compensating you for damages. The longer you wait to report the fire, the slimmer your chances will become of recovering the full cost of damages.

Turn Off the Utilities

This is important for a number of reasons. For one, you can save money by shutting off the utilities you won’t be using for the foreseeable future. Two, by leaving the gas or electrical running, you may unwittingly cause another fire or explosion. If you don’t know which utilities to turn off, the Lake Geneva water cleanup crew can help.

Create Airflow in Your Building

Part of fire cleanup efforts includes ridding buildings of smoke odors and the harmful contaminants caused by soot. You can aid the fire restoration team in their efforts by opening as many windows as possible and creating adequate airflow. However, only do this once you’ve been given the go ahead by the fire department.

Contact a Water Cleanup Crew

A professional fire cleanup crew can help you separate all salvageable items from the non-salvageable. They will have all the necessary water extraction equipment to effectively free your building of excess moisture and get it to the point where it can be recovered (if that’s an option). Finally, professional cleaners will remove all damaged materials, wash down all surfaces and advise you on what you need to do bring your building back to pre-fire condition.

How to use a Fire Extinguisher

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

If you’ve gone your whole life thus far without knowing how to use a fire extinguisher, there’s no need to be too embarrassed! In fact, a majority of Americans claim they don’t know how to use one. Although an extinguisher is rather simple to use, you don’t want to waste time while a fire is quickly spreading in your home.  Here are the basics of how an extinguisher works, so you can act swiftly!

When grabbing an extinguisher, think “PASS.”

  • Pull the pinout of the handle
  • Aim the tip of the nozzle at the bottom of the fire
  • Squeeze the extinguisher’s trigger
  • Sweep the hose from one side to the other side until the fire is out

Once all these steps are completed, assess the fire damage and called fire restoration services if necessary.

When You Should Use a Fire Extinguisher

You will need to quickly assess the situation and make the decision to either attempt to put out the fire or run. Extinguishers can be used for small fires that just started. For example, a kitchen fire that starts while you’re cooking can easily be put out before it spreads any further. However, a large fire requires you to evacuate the area and contact the fire department.

How To Know Your Extinguisher Is Fit for the Job

There are several different extinguishers designed for different types of fires. You will need to check the label of the fire extinguisher to see if it is a Class A, B, or C. This identifies whether it is designed to handle wood and paper product fires, liquid fires, or electrical fires. Some extinguishers are identified as A-B-C and can handle all three types of fires. Also, make sure it is pressurized and charged.

If a fire ever occurs, acting as fast as possible is key to minimizing fire damage top your home. Memorize the information in this guide for the best chance of putting a fire out before it’s too big for you to handle.

Home Fire Alarms

8/19/2022 (Permalink)

No home should be without at least one fire alarm to alert all occupants of a potential fire. In recent years, these essential tools have undergone advances in technology that make them more reliable than ever. In fact, the National Fire Protection Association states that homes without working fire alarms are twice as likely to suffer deaths in a fire than homes with working alarm systems. While the choice of installing an alarm in your home in Lake Geneva, WI is a simple one, it helps to know a little about your choices.

1. A Large Selection. You will find an assortment of fire alarms in stores, most of which will use the latest technology. All are designed to sound off in the case of an incipient fire, to save lives and to prevent fire damage. It is important to look at cost, area of coverage and ease of installation

2. Area of Coverage. A fire alarm system should be the right size for your home. Experts recommend coverage for each bedroom and each floor in the home. If you do not have an integrated alarm system, this means multiple alarms throughout the home. Most homes should have at least five fire alarms.

3. Ease of Operation. New smoke alarms are simpler to operate than in the past and require less maintenance. Most last in the range of 10 years, and there is no need to change batteries, making them effective in preventing smoke damage.

4. Ease of Installation. You should be able to install the units yourself in a matter of minutes. If you do opt for a more complicated system, it is best to hire a professional electrician.

A fire alarm provides essential protection for your home. In the case of property damage caused by fire, be sure to call a local fire restoration franchise to clean your home of the many effects of a home fire.