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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Prevent and Prepare for Water Damage | SERVPRO of Lake Geneva

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

 A house in a suburb flooded When water damage strikes, SERVPRO of Lake Geneva is Here to Help® restore your property faster.

Having immediate access to water makes our lives so much more convenient. Just think about how many times a day you wash your hands or run the dishwasher—not to mention the never-ending pile of laundry that gets tossed in the washing machine. 

While water on demand is something we can’t easily live without, it also makes your home vulnerable to leaks, floods and water damage. Sometimes one of your appliances can have a leak so small you don’t catch it until major damage has been done. 

There are plenty of things you can do in order to avoid major issues from water. With some simple maintenance, you can stay ahead of even the smallest leak, avoiding costly repairs. 

Check for Leaks

One of the best ways to prepare and prevent damage in your home is to regularly check for leaks. Your kitchen and bathrooms are some of the top areas that leaks start. A small leak can lose up to 700 gallons a day when left unchecked. That can lead to damage under your floor, behind your walls and in your cabinets. 

Look under your sinks once a week. With the number of water lines that under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, you need to check frequently to ensure you catch problems fast. 

Feel along your pipes to check for excess moisture, and make sure connections are all tight. Replace anything that has aged, and keep things clean. Drain clogs often start simply due to debris falling into the sink. 

Feel around your tub and toilet every time you clean. A toilet can leak nearly 3,000 gallons a day, so finding leaks quickly will go a long way in saving you money. Make sure the caulk is in good shape and seals are tight. Take a look at how well your shower curtain or shower door fits as well—even splashes from everyday use can cause a lot of damage overtime. 

Watch Your Appliances

While leaks under the sink or from your bathroom fixtures are a common source of slow water loss and long-term damage, appliance failures can result in a flooded room. Not only can a total failure completely flood your floor, appliances can spring a leak underneath them and create a pretty big mess. 

Pull your large appliances, including your dishwasher, washing machine and refrigerator, away from any walls they are near every couple of months. Clean underneath them and behind them. Check for mold, soft spots in the floor or a musty odor. 

These are indicators there is a leak and that it is time to investigate the water lines. Even if you don’t notice any immediate problems, look for signs of aging and replace equipment as needed to prevent them in the future. 

Keep your home safe from water damage by adding a few simple steps to your regular routines. You can keep enjoying the convenience of water on demand worry free. 

If you have water damage in your home, call us. We can get things dried out fast!

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